Prevention, Your Smile Dental Care

Caught in a Daily Grind?

Are you waking up with sore teeth or jaws? Headaches?

You may be grinding or clenching your teeth during your sleep without even realizing it!

The medical experts tell us that deep sleep is important. It gives our body a chance to rest and heal. However, there are many things that can affect our quality of sleep like stress, foods and illnesses.

Up to 70% of Bruxism is triggered by Stress!

The muscles and joints associated with the oral cavity are parts of your body that rely on a rest from tension and activity. You may actually be surprised to learn that forces of up to 1000psi (pounds per square inch) or more can be brought to bear on teeth during sleep. Certain medications can cause these forces to rise even higher in intensity. People have even reported to us that they can hear a household member grinding their teeth right through the bedroom walls.

Yikes! It’s no wonder why some people are waking up with sore teeth and jaws!


If you are continually grinding and clenching your teeth during your sleep this can prevent your body from falling into that deep nocturnal rest that your health needs and that causes a tremendous amount of damage in the process.

This destructive Bruxism activity can occur during the day also. Many people unconsciously grind or clench their teeth during the day. One of our patients tells us that they are constantly surprised to catch themselves clenching during the day.

Whether your habit is mild or severe, if done with frequency, over time it can lead to pain and damage to the head and neck including, but limited to, headaches, clicking TMJ, sore jaws, sensitive, broke and loose teeth, sinus pain, difficulty opening mouth, bite issues, pain chewing, neck stiffness, earaches, and vertigo.

Bruxism is the grinding or clenching of teeth, mostly at night

If you suspect that you are experiencing bruxism during sleep or are suddenly starting to suffer from some of the symptoms mentioned above, it is important to consult your dentist right away. Bruxism is an unconscious habit that can be very destructive. Your dentist will be able to have a custom fitted guard made for you to wear while you sleep. That way both you and your teeth can get a well-deserved rest.

These night guards can also be found for purchase at local pharmacies for a relatively inexpensive price. We find, however, that our patients tend to wear through these types of guards much more quickly than the custom guards offered through dental offices and the repeated costs of having to replace the guards can become costly.

Our labs use a much more durable material that not only lasts longer, but does not easily warp nor break despite heavy forces they are subjected to. The night guards that are stocked by retail stores are often made of a material that can be easily and quickly softened so that you can custom mold them to your teeth at home through a heat process – much like stock sports guards that are boiled in water then fitted to the teeth. Others come in a more rigid material, but in varying sizes for you to choose from.

A custom-made night guard requires a very short appointment to take molds of your teeth. These molds are sent to our lab and within a few days you will be ready to sleep easy…literally!

So, whether your bruxism issues are minor and can be taken care of with a simple bite adjustment or need the extra help of a protective night guard, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We’ll discuss your symptoms and help you find a solution that is just right for Your Smile!

The Your Smile Dental Care team
(905) 576-4537
(416) 783-3533

1 thought on “Caught in a Daily Grind?”

  1. I must admit at one time I thaught that I might be suffering from bruxism but fortunately it turned out not to be the case thanks to some wonderful dental professionals. Quite nice article on the topic!

    Warm Regards,


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